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Banana, known for its rich potassium content, is an excellent choice for easing loose motion. It helps restore electrolyte balance, aiding in quick recovery.

By @ndy

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Fenugreek seeds, possess powerful anti-diarrheal properties. Steeped in water, these seeds create a soothing concoction that combats loose motion effectively. 

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Did you know that pomegranate juice acts as a natural astringent, tightening the bowel movements and relieving the discomfort caused by loose motion? 

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Raw papaya, when consumed or juiced, is a secret weapon against loose motion. It contains an enzyme called papain that aids in digestion and soothes the irritated intestines. 

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Curd, packed with probiotics, is a gentle ally in the battle against loose motion. It restores the balance of good bacteria in the gut, aiding in a speedy recovery. 

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Ginger, known for its digestive properties, works wonders in alleviating loose motion. A cup of ginger tea or a ginger-infused concoction helps soothe the intestines. 

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Coconut water, nature's hydrating elixir, not only replenishes lost fluids but also restores essential electrolytes, providing relief from loose motion. 

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Buttermilk, a traditional remedy, is packed with probiotics that aid in restoring the natural balance of gut bacteria, providing relief from loose motion. 

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