Black Section Separator

The new Parliament House will be the largest and most technologically advanced parliamentary building in the world.

By @ndy

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Black Section Separator

It will have a seating capacity of 1,224 members, making it one of the biggest parliamentary chambers globally.

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Black Section Separator

The design of the building is inspired by the lotus flower, a symbol of purity and spirituality in Indian culture.

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Black Section Separator

The building will have four floors and will span an area of approximately 64,500 square meters.

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Black Section Separator

It will incorporate sustainable design elements, including solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems.

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Black Section Separator

The building will feature advanced audiovisual and communication systems to support efficient legislative proceedings.

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Black Section Separator

-Inaugurated:28 May 2023 -Cost : ₹862 crore (US$110 million) -Height :39.6 metre -Grounds :65,000 m2 (700,000 sq ft)

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Black Section Separator

Will inaugurate the new Parliament House on 28 May. A special coin of Rs 75 will be issued on the occasion.

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Black Section Separator

The weight of this coin will be 35 grams. It will have a mixture of 50 percent silver and 40 percent copper. There will be 5-5 percent nickel and zinc metals.

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Black Section Separator

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